think of this as you bid
Noordhoek Auctioneers are hosting this, our first foray into a virtual art auction in support of Fish Hoek High School.
The COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably had its rampant effect on the school. There are parents who no longer are able to contribute to school funds. Teachers find themselves breaking unfamiliar ground as they do their best with virtual learning. Staff members fear the reality of not being paid or being retrenched as the local economy buckles and breaks under the onslaught of this new contagion. We acknowledge the efforts of this school that inspires young boys and girls to reach their full potential and to make a difference in the future.
Noordhoek Auctioneers hope to bring what relief we can to this fine school through this auction of art. Your participation in this auction sends not only a practical infusion of funds to the school, it also sends the staff and pupils your message of hope. Our artists have pledged support by contributing a significant percentage of their sales to the school. Artists too find these times are hard, our web site and auction proudly brings their work to the public eye.
May the art you take home be a source of pleasure to your eye and comfort in the knowledge that you have made a difference.
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