Craig Foster asked me one day how I choose what to sculpt. I told him that when I open to making a new work it always comes in very clear and I can see exactly what needs to be made, almost as if it’s already made.
Something must have become clear to him as the next time we saw each other he told me I needed to sculpt an Otter. It was clear that the Otter would be swimming. Watching footage from Faine, Pippa and Craig and drawing them almost frame by frame the Otter poured through my hands. First in the ink on paper, then with pliers bending the wire armature and finally in the clay building up body and features.
Each morning before a day of sculpting I’d go running on the totally wild beaches and cliffs of the garden route. I’d run across and next to Otter tracks in the sand every time. Looking back down one day at the bay from higher up, seeing only my footprints and the otters’ alongside each other in the wilderness was a clear and powerful experience.
I hope you can feel this experience too, in your own way, while engaging with this sculpture here.
Robert Rorich